Ukrainian genealogy in America

Michael Buryk – Ukrainian Family Historian
Michael Buryk is a professional genealogist with 35 years experience in doing Lemko and Ukrainian genealogy.

Mike is also a writer and speaker whose research focuses on Lemko and Ukrainian genealogy and the history of Ukrainians in the United States. New Jersey-based FAMILY HISTORIAN TV featured Mike in a half-hour program that focused on Ukrainian genealogy in 2012.

TV interview with Michael Buryk – “ Ukrainian genealogy”:

3 Komentarze

    • Christina Dobriansky on 11 kwietnia 2015 at 00:47
    • Odpowiedz

    My grandfather, Mikolai Dobrianskyj, was a Greek Catholic priest from Ulucz. My father, Jaroslav Dobrianskyj, studied medicine at Lviv University, and left in 1944. He came to New York in 1951. I am trying to find information about his past, of which he would not discuss, except to say that he life was a tragedy. I found a distant cousin who lives in Kiev, but she has no information about the Dobriansky family. I welcome any information that will tell me more about my father’s culture and history.

  1. My grandad was Dobrzyński from Ulucz.Józef Dobrzyński was born in 1909,died in 2002 in Susz.He had 2 sisters Katarzyna,she lived in Toruń and another one had a daughter who lives or lived in USA,but Im not sure her surname maybe Lewkowicz.

  2. A little mistake in surname – DOBRZAŃSKI JÓZEF

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